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Every Step Is Progress

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Every step is progress.

Today’s post is a bit of self reflection for me as I sit and plan, and try not to over plan, this blog, My Wellness Basket, for the 2024 year. I guess what it comes down to is getting back on track with my original plan for the blog. I want to reach out to whoever is willing. To whoever is wanting knowledge of holistic health and how to fill their own wellness basket on their own personal journey of reaching optimal health. Furthermore, I want to encourage you, my reader, that every step is progress, no matter how small or imperfect. So here we go with me sharing the thoughts in my head as I sat down to write the first post of 2024.

Add title.

That’s always hard when I sit down to write and am not quite sure where the keyboard will take me. Today is one of those days. I have a vague idea. But it’s a day where I’ve just decided to sit and start without a particular middle or ending in mind. So when my blog dashboard shows up and says, “Add Title,” I pause. I try to hit a key/letter. And stop. And then I just hit return. I have no idea what the title is. I have no idea what the ending is.

I only know that I am here.

Starting again.

Isn’t that where we all are sometimes?

And you know what? It’s okay. It’s okay to keep having to start over. It’s when we don’t start over that there’s a real problem. It means we’ve quit. So we may go through standstill moments or moments where it seems we’ve gone backwards, it’s okay. We just have to start again.

Every step is progress. Even the starting over steps. Especially the starting over steps.

December darkness.

I hit a wall in December.

Figuratively of course. No car or body parts were injured in this particular situation.

There I was writing a post on turning to God in prayer and meditation during dark times and it was all I could do to linger near the opening between light and dark to get the words on the page. And then I signed off. Figuratively, of course.

Sometimes you have to sign off and take a break before starting over. Even that step is progress.

Taking a break.

I took my schedule demanding my blog time to be dedicated to a blog post per week, Facebook posts, Instagram Reels, blog support group participation, Pinterest Pins, and all that jazz and tossed it aside.

I let myself take a break.

No, not a Rachel and Ross kind of break. Haha…had to make the joke- it’s my absolute favorite show of all time.

I turned to God, meditation and, I admit it, quite a bit of misery, and just chilled.

I think I’m better for it.

But not quite where I want to be. Far from it, really.

I love writing. Love blogging. And the topics of My Wellness Basket are a huge part of my life that I want to share. But I think I got lost in the hustle of blogging tips and theories on how to succeed as a blogger and I got blogged down under all the mumbo jumbo.

Not to mention the mumbo jumbo of life.

Those things are important – Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, SEO, keywords, and all the rest of it – for successful blogging. But I think I let it run me and my blogging rather than be an asset. I lost sense of my main goal.

Realizing that in itself is a step. And every step is progress.

Take it slow.

The main goal here is sharing holistic wellness tips to all that are wanting to learn them and encouraging you all in your own health journey – step by step. And sometimes that means little steps. Tiny steps.

So why am I in such a rush to make the blog big? I need to heed my own advice.

Take it slow.

Do what I can.

Keep it simple.

Remember imperfect progress is still progress.

So as I start blogging here again on My Wellness Basket in 2024, I hope to follow my own advice. I’m going to slow down. No more weekly posts until I have some other things in life under control. That may be in a month or two, or six, or a couple years. So one or two posts may be more ideal for awhile.

More only if the mood strikes bold and I really have the time on my hands.

I’ll keep my Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram sites, but I need to figure out how to juggle those so I don’t feel so juggled myself.

I need to remember that if I’m getting content out and reaching someone…that itself is progress. I need to be okay with that. Even if it’s imperfect. Even if it’s not to where I want it to be yet.

And again, realizing that is a huge step. And every step is progress.

And Now- How are YOU?

How are you my reader? How are you doing in life and on your wellness journey? What tools are you attempting to place in your personal wellness basket and life to make progress? Hopefully you find joining me and others here on My Wellness Basket will be a help to find what you need and a place you can come to for support along the way.

If there’s something here that resonates with you, please share below. If you have a topic you are hoping to find but haven’t found it her (about holistic wellness) let me know. I may not get to it right away but I promise to add it to my list of future possibilities.

If you are a blogger friend who wants to tell me that I didn’t follow the SEO rules for this post, go ahead. But I’m not worried. This post was for me. And you. And not SEO.

Happy 2024!

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  1. Such a refreshing outlook! It is progress! I feel like I’m in the same position in life but taking a break is good. I’m going to feel less guilty today. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I’m really trying to change my outlook here and pass it on to my readers. It’s exactly what a holistic health journey should entail. Thanks again. So glad you feel less guilty! you should!

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