Fall Into Gratitude
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Fall Into Gratitude

When people change from a negative mindset to one of cultivating positivity and gratitude, amazing things happen. When we fall into gratitude, there is a change in mindset and a shift in perspective occurs. This is usually always followed by improved mood, less stress, enhanced relationships and even health benefits such as improved sleep, reduced…

Earthley Products I love
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Earthley Wellness – Their Products and How I Got Started

I haven’t said a whole lot about my newest adventure here on the blog though I’ve casually included some links. Several months ago I signed on as an affiliate with an amazing company. This post is written specifically to let you know more about the company and why I love it so – and why…

Importance of Recognizing & Managing Stress

Importance of Recognizing & Managing Stress

I think most of us hear all about stress and stress management, but not all really know the importance of recognizing and managing stress. My recent post on Your Stress Bucket was my introduction to the concept of the stress bucket as well as basic stress management. My Wellness Basket is about holistic wellness. Holistic…

empty basket that needs to be filled
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My Wellness Basket – What’s with the name?

Hi!  Welcome to the blog.  This second post is simply an introduction to the name and the basic concept of this blog. If you missed the first post, talking about the categories you will find on My Wellness Basket and how they are all involved in Maintaining Wellness, check it out now! Something Catchy AND…