Imperfect Progress is Still Progress with chamomile in background
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Imperfect Progress With Your Wellness Journey

I want you to make progress. Baby steps are okay. It doesn’t have to be something that shows overnight success. Imperfect progress is still progress. Read more to find out why imperfect progress with your wellness journey is good progress! What is Imperfect Progress? It’s been years since I read Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst, but…

empty basket that needs to be filled
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My Wellness Basket – What’s with the name?

Hi!  Welcome to the blog.  This second post is simply an introduction to the name and the basic concept of this blog. If you missed the first post, talking about the categories you will find on My Wellness Basket and how they are all involved in Maintaining Wellness, check it out now! Something Catchy AND…