Keep Calm words under a crown

Keep Calm and…

Keep calm and drink coffee. Keep calm and Trust God. Keep calm and carry on. Keep calm and never give up. Or this one is funny: Keep calm and call Batman. I imagine you’ve seen a number of these posters, t-shirts, coffee mugs and more with the Keep calm motivational phrase. It just became known…

cacoa pods on a cacoa tree

Cocoa, Cacao, and Chocolate! Oh My!

Cocoa, cacao, and chocolate are all derived from the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, an evergreen native to lowland rainforests. However, they are all processed differently and this is what gives the distinct characteristics and nutritional values. The entire cacao fruit was traditionally worked with by the Mayan and Aztec civilizations for it’s medicinal effects. These…

Basil and Rosemary in the kitchen with St. Euphrosynos, the cook.

Benefits of the Kitchen Herbs – Rosemary and Basil

The benefits of cooking herbs, herbs generally thought of as kitchen herbs or spices, are more amazing than you could imagine if you haven’t studied much about herbs. Today I’ll talk about the benefits of Rosemary and Basil in particular. Kitchen Cabinet Herbs Are NOT Just For Flavor. I never learned a tremendous amount about…

water being poured into a glass

Hydration is Essential

Hydration is essential for your entire body to function optimally. So, let’s address the concepts of water and hydration and find out:  are you hydrated? Is Hydration Essential? Just a few weeks ago CBS news reported on the importance of hydration.    The article that popped up on my browser when I typed in “How to…

cup of coffee on a wooden table with a list of things people do in the mornng

Morning Routines

I’m going to talk a bit today about morning routines. It’s not something you can fit in your wellness basket, but it’s still part of the big picture.  What you can do though is write out the plan for your morning routine and keep that in your ‘basket’.  Having a morning routine is actually a…